
The church of San Bernardino da Siena is located in the district of Stranfora of Arco. Its construction dates back to the seventeenth century.


The church built between 1624 and 1636 with bequests of Bernardino Bonora di Arco. The interior decoration is from the second half of the seventeenth century. The presbyter is decorated with frescoes dedicated to the life of San Bernardino.

A century later the church of San Bernardino da Siena was entrusted to the Sisters of Charity. The sisters were employed in the care of the sick at the local hospital. The hospital was next to the church and communicating with the church. The hospital was in Palazzo Marcabruni.

Towards the end of 1800 the bell tower was raised and since the Second World War the building was renovated.


The classical hut façade is characterized by the architraved access portal surmounted by the gable pediment with a fresco on the sides of which there are two small rectangular windows. At the top, on the axis, is the large lunette window. The façade is concluded by the large triangular pediment. The bell tower is located on the right slightly back and next to the body of the church. The cell opens with four single-lancet windows.


The nave is unique and the only sources of light are the front windows. The presbytery is slightly raised. The original seventeenth-century high altar preserves the altarpiece depicting scenes from the life of San Bernardino.


