This small square, just behind the town hall, was the centre of a lively district built in medieval times outside the city walls. The area, which in the fifteenth century was called Borgo del Castello, was the center of important economic activities. Commercial activities such as garberie for leather tanning. There was also the exchange bank run by Jewish families. There was probably a Jewish printing house of Jacob Marcaria in operation during the Council of Trent. Here were collected the main taxes: the duty of the bishop and the muda on goods in transit due to the Municipality.
In the square today are the restored apse of the church of San Rocco, a porch, documented in a map of the seventeenth century, and some small shops that recall the inns and hotels often mentioned in this area. After the bombings of the First World War that had destroyed the small but precious church of San Rocco, the architect Giancarlo Maroni had placed here the busts of the Rivan martyrs Giovanni Lipella and Nino Pernici and, More recently, the statue of the suffering Christ by Aroldo Pignattari was placed in the chapel of the dead.