Werk Garda | Forte Garda built between 1904 and 1907. Forte Garda is characterized by its modern construction concept. It is used compressed concrete supported by steel beams. There are no decorative elements and a consistent armament. First example of this type made in Trentino. Werk Garda Forte Garda is the model for the subsequent fortifications built on the plateaus of Folgaria and Lavarone. The work had to guarantee the defense of the entire Alto Garda system.
The fort was camouflaged and adhered to the ground, with the front facing the lake lower than the back, where the entrance was. On the vault of the fort there was an armored dome used as an observatory, while from the gorge moat there was a long tunnel with rooms used as water cisterns and emplacements and observation points overlooking the rocky walls of Mount Brione. The fort was equipped with a powerful retractable reflector.